Monday, August 22, 2011

Married: The Rules

(The sound of weeping)
Me: What’s wrong?

She: Look at my brand new towels!
Me: They’re just dirty. No big deal. I’ll just wash them.
She: You just washed them! They’re stained.
Me: Stained? Are you sure that’s just not dirt? I don’t know how that happened.
She: Yes, I’m sure they’re stained. Did you separate them?
Me: (with attitude) Yeah….
She: Into separate loads? Whites…colors…darks.
Me: Not exactly.
She: Care to explain, not exactly?
Me: Well, there wasn’t enough for three separate loads. I didn’t want to waste water and power on three small loads, so I put everything into one load.
She: How is that separating them?
Me: I put the darks on the bottom, the colors in the middle, and the whites on top.
She: What?
Me: Dark stuff is heavier than light stuff. The dirt is heavier so that would sink to the bottom. I’ve been doing this since I started doing the laundry when we first got married. And it’s just a problem now?
She: You never ruined brand new towels before.
Me: Hey, I’ll just soak ‘em in bleach. The stains will come out.
She: You can’t bleach the light blue or the tan one.
Me: I’ll just make them all white. I don’t see what the problem is.
She: That sort of defeats the purpose of having colored towels.
Me: Hey, I volunteered for the laundry job. It wasn’t my first choice. But you said you couldn’t eat my cooking.
She: Basically, that’s true. Listen. You just have to separate the clothes when you wash them.
Me: Since when are there rules for doing the laundry?
She: Since you ruined my new towels.
Me: Any other rules I need to know about?
She: Not at present, but I’ll get back to you.

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